Thank you for your interest in writing a blog or recording a video to respond to the anonymous questions about disability we receive! We pay $15 per blog.
There are some thought-provoking questions coming in, and we would love to hear from disabled people with lived experience to answer those questions.
Guidelines to Submit a Video:
● Please film yourself 16:9, horizontally, like this: - not like |.
● Please do not wear anything with logos
● Please do not wear pure black or pure white (It does not show on camera as well as colors)
● Please no striped clothes (some cameras generate weird patterns if it sees stripes)
● If you can please keep the camera steady, if it is a phone, perhaps you could lean it on something.
● Upload video below or send it to:
If you do already have articles, blog posts, or videos, please send them to us by uploading, or attaching the URL below. Blogs/vlogs can be cross-posted. They must be your own work.
It is not a requirement to have completed work to submit when expressing interest in blogging with Bachelor's in Disability.
Thank you for submitting with us!